lighting design principles and process
Lighting Designer – A Look at this Career
The Lighting Designer’s Professional Decorum
How to be a Bad Lighting Designer
The Lighting Design Process
Where do I Place my Lights?
An Introduction to Show Control: Timecodes and Triggers
stage lights and lighting concepts
Spot, Profile, Wash and Beam Moving Lights
Static Lights
Beam Angle, Field Angle, & Viewing Angle
Introduction to the Leko or Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight
Introduction to the Fresnel, or Wash Light
Harman Professional Training
Lighting Essentials Course
Covers Lighting Basics, Brightness, Color, Controls, and Smoke
Harman Professional Training
Martin Lighting Technician: Level 1
Entry level course that walks the student through all the elements of lighting, fixtures, smoke, trouble shooting, color and light.
Wrapping Cables Like a Pro
When working with stage lights, this cable wrapping technique is one you will need to master.
The Roadie Wrap
light plots, gobos, and more!
Light Plots. How to draft a light plot by hand, Symbols, templates, etc.
Drafting Light Plots –
Notations, channels, dimmers
Drafting a Pipe full of Lights
Look Inside a Moving Light
3+mins video
Dichroic filter technology
1+mins video
How to Choose the Right Beam Angle for LED Lights
2+mins video
Using Gobos on the Stage
Calculating Source Four Gobo Spreads
Excel Calculator Spreadsheet
How to Operate a Followspot
House of Worship Lighting
5 total videos
Play Videos
Lighting & Video in Corporate Worship
Church Lighting &
Effects Example